Start date: December 2023
Duration: 30 months
ENHANCE is all about Learner Voice. It embraces the core principle of adult education - to offer adult learners autonomy, to incorporate learners' past experiences into the approach and structure of their learning, and to create a more equal power dynamic between learners and educators.
The project focuses on bottom-up approaches and learners as agents of change in their communities.
The project is looking at creating a comprehensive and interactive system or list of existing initiatives that currently promote learners’ voices.
It will also create of a roadmap and a set of recommendations and booklets for enhancing learners’ voices.
And it will result in the development of a series of podcasts on the topic that will also be relevant to the public and general society.
We at AONTAS are working with project partners to gather good practices in adult education, particularly those that promote autonomy in learning environments.
We'll be working on creating the roadmap to show how adult education systems can be designed to embed Learner Voice, and the benefits of this not just for learners but for everyone.
People are much more likely to stay in education and complete their courses, and be happier while doing so, if they have a say in how the course is structured and what they are learning about.
We will also be producing a podcast series where we discuss learners' experiences in relation to democracy, voting, and active citizenship.
We want to influence policy and civil society to think about the importance and potential impact of embedding Learner Voice. We also want to ensure the work is useful to other adult education organisations. And we want educators to benefit from new methods of teaching and facilitating learning in the classroom or learning space.
Our partners on this project are:
Working with partners across Europe, we intend to use these activities (Roadmap and Podcasts) to influence policy makers in Ireland so that they see how adult and community education is vital to strengthening democracy. Organisations in the adult and community education sector need sustainable funding to continue to play this vital role.
The ENHANCE consortium comprises of 7 partners and SOLIDAR Foundation based in 7 different countries, and is coordinated by the European Association for the Education of Adults (EAEA).
Visit the project website at:
Read More about our Learner Voice work.
The project is funded by the European Union through Erasmus+. Apply for similar funding in Ireland through Léargas.
Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.