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Aim: With a specific focus on the impact of community education on the lives of women, the event will highlight the purpose and value of community education for learners and wider society and highlight the need for long-term and sustainable funding to ensure its continuity.
AONTAS is Ireland’s national adult learning organisation for adult and community education providers and adult learners. It promotes the value and benefits of adult learning, and advocates on behalf of the sector. 2019 marks its 50 year anniversary. As part of the AONTAS Adult Learners’ Festival, we are hosting our annual policy day.
Focus of the Day:
To bring policy makers from across government departments and politicians together to listen first-hand to the wide ranging benefits of community education on women’s lives and offer a space to listen to organisations’ views regarding the challenges of funding. Policy makers and politicians will be invited to participate in the discussion sessions in a listening capacity, to hear the experiences from practitioners and learners across community education organisations. They will have the opportunity to respond at the end of the event with their reflections, if they so wish.
What we hope to achieve:
We are using the National Women’s Strategy as a framework to demonstrate how a whole of government approach is needed to fulfil the potential of community education. We are seeking to explore the potential of a National Community Education Strategy (to include work in N Ireland post-Brexit). TEDtalk style inputs will cover a range of outcomes from community education in line with the National Women’s Strategy
AONTAS will have a concise discussion paper available one week in advance of the meeting covering community education and the current status of funding based on recent research.