The National Further Education and Training (FET) Learner Forum is a platform where learners can share their experience of FET learning. These virtual Forum events will give learners the opportunity to share their experience of learning with Longford and Westmeath Education and Training Board.
After you register, you will receive an email with the Zoom link and instructions on how to join the event. Learners will be able to join a discussion on their computer, laptop, tablet or mobile phone, to share their experience of learning. You share your experience by:
• participating in focus group discussion (1 hour)
• completing a learner survey (15 minutes)
During the event, you will be broken up into groups of 5-6 participants. Each group will have a facilitator who will ask questions. It’s really important to note that there are no right or wrong answers. We want to hear about your own experiences and get your honest feedback.
Please feel free to share your experience attending the virtual events on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter, using the hashtags #LearnerVoice and #FETLearnerForum