The Adult Learner Journal Writers’ Workshops
AONTAS is delighted to host two writers’ workshops to support researchers and practitioners in developing abstracts and articles for publication. These workshops will be of interest to those working across the adult education field, particularly those with an interest in submitting work to the organisations peer-reviewed journal The Adult Learner. Two workshops will be held, the first on developing theory articles (8000 words) and the second on practice articles (3000 words); we invite you to attend one or both sessions.
Writers’ Workshop Two - Style Guide and Practice Articles
This workshop will focus on Practice-based articles or "other contributions including case studies which exchange ideas about what works in various programmes and contexts, which are innovative, and which share examples of good practice" (AONTAS, 2021). The focus of the article topic, the writing style, presenting your experience, analysing and extracting meaning from evidence, and meeting journal criteria will be discussed. The workshop will also present the AONTAS style guide. (Duration: 1.5 hours)
AONTAS (2021). Call for Abstracts, The Adult Learner 2022. Dublin: AONTAS.
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