AONTAS STAR Awards Celebration
The second online AONTAS STAR Award celebration will be hosted by Colm O'Regan comedian, bestselling author and broadcaster.
Attendees will have an opportunity to celebrate adult learning together in this fun interactive event.
The STAR Awards recognise the very best in adult learning in Ireland. This year, we are celebrating and acknowledging the incredible work that adult learning providers have done in adapting their provision during COVID-19 to ensure that the learners’ needs continue to be met. Winners will be announced during the Adult Learners’ Festival 2022 (7th-11th March).
Nominations for the 16th AONTAS STAR Awards were received under five categories for adult learning initiatives that support:
Twenty-nine initiatives were initally shortlisted in these five categories, with some categories divided according to the size of the initiative (Small/Medium and Large).
Considering the excellent calibre of nominations received this year, an extra shortlisted category has been created for European Social Funded (ESF) projects. Five additional projects have been shortlisted in this category bringing the total number of shortlisted groups for the STAR Awards 2022 to thirty four.
To view the shortlisted initiatives, please click here.
The STAR Awards is proudly sponsored by Mental Health Ireland, the Open University in Ireland, the Open College Network Northern Ireland (OCNNI), the Teachers’ Union of Ireland (TUI), Concern Worldwide, Quality and Qualifications Ireland (QQI) and the European Social Fund (ESF).
Visit the Adult Learners' Festival 2022 webpage for additional information about the upcoming festival and STAR Awards.