In order to inform our on-going advocacy work, AONTAS is continuing to gather information on the impact of COVID-19 on community education.
Research undertaken on practitioner experience of emergency remote learning will feed into the final report on Community Education in the Time of COVID-19. The focus group will explore:
The various challenges experienced across the sector during COVID-19 restrictions (including the move to emergency remote learning)
The agility of community education in responding to the crisis
The potential impact of COVID-19 on the sector moving forward
What is needed to ensure community education is able to deliver quality learning to a diverse group of learners in the context of the pandemic
We are very interested in hearing about how community education providers are managing since the start of this academic year. We would like to invite you to a Virtual Community Education Practitioner Focus Group meeting on Wednesday, 14th October.
The focus group will discuss your experiences so far, the challenges you are facing and the supports that are needed.
Please contact AONTAS Research Officer, Eve Cobain