On Wednesday, 21st July 2021, 80 guests gathered online for the launch of AONTAS’ National Further Education and Training Annual Synthesis Report.
In this blog, Ecem Akara, AONTAS EU Projects Officers shares her experience participating in a European Agenda Peer Learning Activity (PLA).
On Wednesday, 16th December, AONTAS launched a new publication: the "I'm a FET Learner" booklet. The booklet captures the experiences of ten Further Education and Training (FET) learners who participated in the National FET Learner Forum over the course of its existence from 2016 to 2020. Since its launch the Forum has reached 3,791 learners and helped to provide important learner feedback into the future planning of FET. This booklet showcases the individual impact of the Forum according to learners who have taken part and showcases the diversity of voices and experiences captured by the event. For many, the Forum is a stepping stone to further, deeper learner voice engagement and the booklet celebrates each learner’s journey and the empowerment they gained from sharing their voice.
AONTAS welcomed the opportunity to make a submission to the Department of Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science’ s Statement of Strategy 2021 – 2023 consultation. The Statement of Strategy will set out how the department does its work over the next three years, and what our guiding principles are.
On Wednesday, 29th April AONTAS Members and staff met for the fifth Update and Engagement Weekly Webinar.
Many learners that do not have access to the internet and an appropriate device are at an immediate disadvantage. While access is a key issue, the issue of educational disadvantage in this area is complex.
Assessment Equality across Tertiary Education
Maintaining Learner Engagement During COVID-19 Emergency: An Essential Means to Support equality and safeguarding the needs of disadvantaged learners.
In this blog, AONTAS Information and Policy Officer Sam O’Brien-Olinger discusses the importance of adequately funding adult learning and community education in 2020.