Our Community Education Officer Lorraine O’Connor visits members of the Community Education Network across the country, demonstrating the real impact of their work and the great benefits they bring to local communities.
The Learners As Leaders programme has been running for several years, helping people to develop skills in areas like critical thinking, communication, and creative problem-solving, and they learn how to advocate for themselves and others with similar experiences.
The team at AONTAS have been working all year round to bring about positive change for adult and community education in Ireland and across Europe. Let’s take a look at some of our big moments from the year.
The AONTAS team gave a workshop to learners at the Community After Schools Project (CASPr) on self-advocacy and the importance of Learner Voice
We’re working with our European partners to help people to develop literacy, numeracy, and digital skills, to offer them equal opportunities to participate in our society.
Our Community Education Officer Lorraine writes about visiting Cork recently for a gathering of community education providers to learn from each other and share the impact of wellbeing practices in community education
Our Adult Education Initiatives Officer Larisa Sioneriu writes about a new strategy for FET to move towards a future where all members of our society are well equipped to participate in and adapt to a world shaped by climate change.
The AONTAS Learner Voices Across Ireland report shows adult learners’ experiences of Further Education and Training (FET) for the academic year 2023 to 2024.
We took an in-depth look at Budget 2025 and examined what it delivered for adult and community education - and what it failed to deliver.
On Wednesday 2 October, the day after the announcement of Budget 2025, we brought adult learners and education providers to the heart of Government to launch our manifesto in Leinster House.
Our Adult Education Initiatives Officer Larisa reflects on a recent conference from the Irish Development Education Association (IDEA) on development education in Ireland and across Europe
An interview with actor and writer Emmet Kirwan as part of our “Holding You Back” campaign on the barriers to education
A reflection by AONTAS CEO Dearbháil Lawless on the importance of adult and community education, following our 'Holding You Back' campaign.
A chat between Christine O'Kelly from DCU on being a global leader as an age-friendly university, and our Membership and Digital Engagement Officer Brian Desmond and Education Projects Officer Ruby Cooney
Christine O'Kelly from DCU on ageism in Ireland and making a more age-friendly and inclusive society. Christine chats with our Membership and Digital Engagement Officer Brian Desmond and Education Projects Officer Ruby Cooney
The "Third International Conference of the journal Scuola Democratica", took place at the University of Cagliari, Sardinia (Italy), 3-6 June 2024. The Scuola Democratica conference is devoted to the needs and prospects of education and/for social justice.
With the next Budget soon on the horizon, we are calling on the Government to recognise that people are still being left behind in the Irish education system.
In May, we held the first meeting of the Project Advisory Group for our latest large-scale European programme. This group bringing together leading education experts and representatives from the Government, education institutions, social partners, and civil society organisations.
On 4th June, Cavan and Monaghan Education and Training Board launched new awards for 'English for Speakers of Other Languages' (ESOL). This is a pioneering initiative for inclusive education and language support for migrant learners across Ireland, introducing a much-needed new approach to ESOL learning.
In May, AHEAD - a non-profit working to create inclusive environments in education and employment for people with disabilities - organised a 3-day event about assistive technology, in partnership with the National Adult Literacy Agency (NALA) and AONTAS.
Women’s Collective Ireland Ronanstown and Women’s Collective Ireland Mullingar/Women’s Community Projects, Mullingar recently created a Voter Education programme, in partnership with Dublin Adult Learning Centre (DALC), as part of the New European Agenda for Adult Learning.
With the conclusion of the European Year of Skills this April, it’s a good time to review its goals of addressing skills shortages relevant to jobs in Europe and fostering economic growth. Our Adult Education Initiatives Officer Larisa reflects on the European Year of Skills, and the need for greater empathy and human-centred approaches to adult education across Europe.
People in Ireland will be asked to vote in the local and EU elections this June, so this is the time to engage with election candidates and let them know what is important to you and your community.
We at AONTAS have long promoted the power and impact of adult and community education, and we were delighted to be invited by SOLAS this week for a “Brunch and Learn”, to speak about the impact of our work and how adult and community education changes lives for the better.
As the BEEP project came to an end last month, we’re taking a look back at our work with our European partners on political participation in adult education.
At the AONTAS STAR Awards 2024, which took place on Friday 8th March in Croke Park in Dublin, we were delighted to welcome comedian and radio presenter PJ Gallagher for a chat with our Chair and host John D’Arcy.
Join Charis Hughes, our Head of Impact and Engagement, on a tour of the Museum of Literature Ireland (MOLI) on Stephen's Green in Dublin, as part of the AONTAS Adult Learners’ Festival on Wednesday 6th March 2024.
A look back at "Who Does It Cost?", our policy discussion for 2024 as part of the annual AONTAS Adult Learners' Festival. This event brought together educators, adult learners, and policymakers to discuss how greater investment in adult learners would strengthen Irish society.
Mary Devereux, an adult learner at CWELL - the Community Wellness, Empowerment, Leadership and Lifeskills Diploma at the University of Limerick - featured on the Oliver Callan Show on RTÉ Radio 1 earlier this week talking about going back to education and the positive impact it had on her life.
The STAR Awards recognise the very best in adult learning in Ireland. We celebrate and acknowledge the incredible adult learning initiatives going on across the country, in support of learners, as part of the AONTAS Adult Learners’ Festival. This year, there are 24 fantastic shortlisted initiatives. We’ll announce the winners at a special ceremony in Dublin on Friday 8th March – an exciting event to finish our 2024 Adult Learners’ Festival!
The STAR Awards recognise the very best in adult learning in Ireland. We celebrate and acknowledge the incredible adult learning initiatives going on across the country, in support of learners, as part of the AONTAS Adult Learners’ Festival. This year, there are 24 fantastic shortlisted initiatives. We’ll announce the winners at a special ceremony in Dublin on Friday 8th March – an exciting event to finish our 2024 Adult Learners’ Festival!
Since last year, we at AONTAS have been co-ordinating a mobility project for adult learners and staff in adult and community education. This gives people the opportunity to engage in job shadowing with the goal of helping people to progress in their work and in their own lives.
The STAR Awards recognise the very best in adult learning in Ireland. We celebrate and acknowledge the incredible adult learning initiatives going on across the country, in support of learners, as part of the AONTAS Adult Learners’ Festival. This year, there are 24 fantastic shortlisted initiatives. We’ll announce the winners at a special ceremony in Dublin on Friday 8th March – an exciting event to finish our 2024 Adult Learners’ Festival!
Over the last few years, we have been supporting adult learning colleagues in Northern Ireland to come together and share ideas, challenges, and solutions for the Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise (VCSE) Sector. Within this sector, community education is a core support for people who want to return to learning, but who left school early or who had negative experiences of mainstream education. However, community education remains significantly under-funded and under-recognised in Northern Ireland.
The STAR Awards recognise the very best in adult learning in Ireland. We celebrate and acknowledge the incredible adult learning initiatives going on across the country, in support of learners, as part of the AONTAS Adult Learners’ Festival. This year, there are 24 fantastic shortlisted initiatives. We’ll announce the winners at a special ceremony in Dublin on Friday 8th March – an exciting event to finish our 2024 Adult Learners’ Festival!
The STAR Awards recognise the very best in adult learning in Ireland. We celebrate and acknowledge the incredible adult learning initiatives going on across the country, in support of learners, as part of the AONTAS Adult Learners’ Festival. This year, there are 24 fantastic shortlisted initiatives. We’ll announce the winners at a special ceremony in Dublin on Friday 8th March – an exciting event to finish our 2024 Adult Learners’ Festival!
Writing by Ecem Akarca, EU Projects Coordinator.
We’re always working with our European colleagues to achieve our collective goals of making education more accessible for everyone. We actively organise and host study visits and summits to foster meaningful exchanges with our colleagues from across the EU. Let's look at some recent examples.
Writing by Ecem Akarca, EU Projects Coordinator.
We’re always working with our European colleagues to achieve our collective goals of making education more accessible for everyone.