“Learner Voices Across Ireland” 2023-2024: Executive Summary

18 Oct 2024
The AONTAS Learner Voices Across Ireland report shows adult learners’ experiences of Further Education and Training (FET) for the academic year 2023 to 2024.

Writing by Dr Kate Smyth, Strategic Communications Officer

This report shows adult learners’ experiences of Further Education and Training (FET) for the academic year 2023 to 2024. It is based on the idea of “Learner Voice”. This is where the people doing the learning are seen as the experts on what works well and what needs to be improved. It also means that people making the decisions – course organisers, funders, politicians – take action based on what adult learners recommend.

 So, learners are not just customers but actively shape education in Ireland, now and for the future. 

We at AONTAS set up the National FET Learner Forum in 2016, with the support of SOLAS. This is a series of events that we hold in partnership with the Education and Training Boards (ETBs) around the country, gathering opinions and experiences from adult learners. These are open spaces for learners to express their views, with no ETB representatives present at learner discussions, and with independent facilitators as guides.  

Over 1,700 learner contributions to the research are reflected in this report. These research findings are the basis of all our advocacy work at AONTAS. When we meet with the Department of Further and Higher Education, the Minister, or funders, we ask for changes to education policy with these findings in mind.  

What does the report show?  

These are the main themes coming up, what adult learners are saying, and some recommendations for action.  

Respect and inclusion  

Mental Health 



Buildings and Facilities 

General or practical supports, and guidance 

Communication from education centre 

Next steps  

Many of these issues don’t exist in a vacuum and are part of a broader problem in Irish society. Some issues are within the control of an ETB or FET centre, and some have to be changed by the Government.  

We at AONTAS continually raise these issues with decisionmakers to seek change. We are launching the “Learner Voices Across Ireland” report in Athlone on Wednesday 17 October 2024. You can read the full report on our website, 

Read the full report here.