On the Road with the Community Education Network: The Central Remedial Clinic (CRC)

29 Aug 2023
Our Community Education Officer Lorraine O'Connor and our Adult Learning Officer Leo Gilmartin were on the road again today meeting the staff at the Central Remedial Clinic in Clontarf in Dublin.

The Central Remedial Clinic (CRC) is a voluntary organisation and national charity working with children and adults with disabilities. People are supported to participate in a variety of activities which gives access to community-based education, training, and employment. This provides opportunities to engage in a wide range of training, employment, social and recreational activities.  

They have general learning programmes in Dublin, in Clontarf and Ongar, and employability skills training in their centre in Raheny. Before starting a programme, potential learners have the opportunity to visit the centre and learn about the programmes, meet the staff and students, and decide whether it is the right choice for them.  

During our visit, we met with Noel Carroll the Training and Development Centre Manager and his team, Ann Wall Adderley, Kristina Walshe, and Mary Carylon.  

Noel and his team spoke of the need for visibility in relation to their learners and how important it was for them to have a space where they are respected and valued. He said that a rights-based approach to a quality education is a priority for their learners. Their programmes give the participants opportunities.  

Noel and the team told us about the importance of ensuring that the learners are included in the decision-making process at every level, and on any issue that affects their lives, "that they are part of the learner's voice, and that they exist and that they matter.”   

The team also highlighted about the need to ensure that their learners have access to quality work experience and how difficult this can be.

Noel also spoke about the possibility of exploring training exchanges with similar CEN member groups. This highlights the importance of being part of the CEN Network and the possibilities it brings.  

The integrated approach of the team in the CRC and their dedicated passion was strongly evidenced in our discussions and apparent in every aspect of their work.

The team’s ethos of “no one left out” shone through as the staff spoke about ensuring that the learner's voice is heard, and that they are present at events and any planning that involves them.

The team here in the CRC guarantees that every aspect of their work is aligned with their mission, “working together to make a positive difference”, and the vision that all their learners “achieve their full potential” and the “values of openness, respect, empowerment, and excellence”. 

The CRC are clearly aligned with our own mission and values. Here at AONTAS, we are delighted to have them as members and look forward to our future collaboration.  

This blog is being shared as part of our #PutYourselfOnTheMap campaign, raising awareness of our new interactive map of community education centres and groups across Ireland. 

We want to tell everyone: Community Education is Here. 

Click here to find out more about our new Community Education Map and #PutYourselfOnTheMap today!

 This campaign is part of AONTAS' 2022-2023 project "Inclusive Recovery and Transformation: Adult Learning Post-COVID-19", as part of the New European Agenda for Adult Learning.