In May 2021, AONTAS collaborated with the Danish Ministry of Children and Education to organise a Peer Learning Activity (PLA) on Staff Capacity and Development. The event was attended by more than 50 representatives from 31 countries across Europe, and experts from European Commission. The session focussed on improving quality, equity, inclusion and success for all learners
Recognition of Prior Learning
Capacity building is a vital part of developing and ensuring quality education. AONTAS presented our new Level 7 accredited Recognition of Prior Learning programme as an example of tailered capacity building to meet the needs of the sector. This course, developed under the European Agenda for Adult Learning (EAAL), is delivered in University College Cork to community education practitioners. Our hope is that more people will have the opportunity to have their life experience and knowledge recognised. This means adults can return to education through a supported pathway into community education and Further Education and Training (FET).
Learning Circles
Learning Circles is a Nordic model for co-creation of learning and competence development. Designed for educators and other adult learning staff, methods include literacy screening interviews and a focus on the learner at the centre of the journey. This was presented by Säffle municipality in Sweden.
This blog is Part of the PLA activities within AONTAS’ current project ‘Adult and Community Education: Supported Learner Pathways 2020-2021’ as part of the European Agenda for Adult Learning.
If you would like to get involved with our EAAL project or find out more information, please contact Ecem Akarca, EU Projects Officer at: