20 May 2022

How can adult and community education providers support refugees in adult learning?

On Wednesday 18th May, AONTAS held an online gathering in partnership with the Irish Refugee Council (IRC). 22 educators and providers from across the country came together to discuss how they can best support refugees to access education in Ireland.

Charlotte Byrne, Education Officer with the IRC, shared a great resource from the IRC for information on accessing for further and higher education, and this is updated regularly.

They are advocating for more streamlined assistance for all refugees entering Ireland.

At the webinar, attendees noted the importance of clear communication to ensure refugees are aware of local education providers and that centres know when they have arrived, as well as the importance of continuing to support refugees during summer months, if possible, and of providing ESOL and other classes like art, cooking or sessions that support their wellbeing and inclusion in their local communities. Education and Training Boards (ETBs) and community education centres across Ireland are also developing lists of tutors available during the summer to provide classes in English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL), and other classes. The IRC also hold a drop-in centre regularly to offer advice and assistance.

As a membership organisation, AONTAS holds regularly webinars like these to share information and best practice among members and adult learning providers. For more information, or to get in touch, contact Barry Dolan, our Membership and Communications Officer at: