2 Nov 2017

Nominations Sought for AONTAS STAR Awards 2018

AONTAS is seeking nominations from adult learning initiatives throughout Ireland for the 12th Annual STAR Awards 2018. The awards recognise the use of innovative approaches in adult and community education.

Adult and community education is about more than receiving a qualification. From improved confidence to better health, the wider benefits are far-reaching and can have a hugely positive impact on a person’s life, family and wider community. That’s why our award categories focus on promoting wellbeing; social inclusion; digital inclusion; and ensuring that the learner’s voice is heard.

Since its inception in 2007 over 1,000 adult learning initiatives across a wide variety of areas – including arts, mental health, addiction and disability – have been recognised through the STAR Awards.

For 2018, nominations are invited under four categories:

To nominate an adult learning initiative, please visit: The deadline for receipt of nominations is Thursday 7th December 2017.

Winners will be announced at the STAR Awards ceremony, which will be the opening event of the Adult Learners’ Festival 2018. The ceremony will take place in Dublin on Monday, 5th March 2018. The Adult Learners' Festival will take place from the 5th – 9th March 2018. Click here for more information or contact Katie O'Rourke, Communications Lead,