AONTAS commit to maintaining robust governance procedures in compliance with statutory requirements and as part of the emerging governance landscape.
In order to deliver our work we see accountability as central to maintaining our reputation for excellence to our members, stakeholders, funders and the broader field of lifelong learning.
The AONTAS Board provides strategic direction and financial oversight to the organisation and promotes the values and vision of AONTAS. The Board also ensures good governance and effective implementation of our Strategic Plan.
The AONTAS Board of Directors is made up of AONTAS members. Board Directors are voted onto the AONTAS Board of Director by their fellow AONTAS members for a three year term. Directors may serve a maximum of two terms and a maximum of two terms as Chairperson and in any event no more than nine consecutive years as a member of the Board. Election to the Board occurs on a rotating basis according to the rules of the AONTAS Constitution.
The Board includes:
The Board ensures its professionalism by bringing their individual expertise in adult and community education, and making sure specific skills and knowledge in areas like governance, accounting, and legal are represented on the Board.
The Board of Directors meets a minimum of five times per year and has its Annual General Meeting in May of each year. The Board has responsibility for ensuring that the organisation achieves its strategic goals and that AONTAS meets all legislative, charitable and company law requirements, and health and safety standards.
There are two sub-committees that report to the Board of Directors on a regular basis. The subcommittees are:
The Audit and Risk Sub-Committee includes a Board Member who is a qualified accountant.
The Sub-Committee is responsible for:
At the discretion of the Chairperson, and subject to budgetary approval, the committee may engage external advisors to assist it in fulfilling its role.
The Governance Sub-Committee is responsible for advising the Board on the effective governance of the organisation by:
While we do not fundraise from the public at the moment we are aware of the Guidelines for Charitable Organisations Fundraising from the Public and if we should fundraise in the future we will adhere to that standard.
The AONTAS Board of Directors sees the financial governance of the organisation as one of its primary responsibilities. AONTAS publishes its accounts on an annual basis within the AONTAS Annual Report. Our accounts and financial reports also comply with the principles of the Statement of Recommended Practice, Accounting and Reporting by Charities (SORP).
We also comply with the requirements set down by the Charity Regulator Authority including the Charities Governance Code.
At its AGM in May 2019, AONTAS membership approved the appointment of Mazars as AONTAS’ external auditors.
Further to our own auditing procedures, AONTAS is also subject to periodic and random audits by funders including SOLAS and the European Commission.
AONTAS is a company limited by guarantee, our Company Registration Number is 80958, our Registered Charity Number (RCN) is 20013042. For Revenue purposes, our CHY number is CHY 6719.