Community education helps people who want to return to education or learning, but may not have the confidence or opportunities to do this in a formal setting like university or further education.
It is rooted in values of equality, justice and empowerment.
It creates a voice for those who are furthest from the education system.
It is based on what people need and is driven by communities.
Community Education courses or classes can be short and part-time. They happen in local communities and can be a first positive step back to education and a great source of mental health and wellbeing for people at any age and all across the country. It can help people feel more confident, meet new people, get more involved the local area, and maybe go on to further education or gain a job or new skill.
PLAY VIDEOThe Community Education Network (CEN) was established in 2007 by AONTAS. It is a network of independent community education providers who work together to share information and resources.
In 2021, a Charter for Community Education was launched as a resource for all community education providers, with the values at the heart of community education. Learning is valuable in itself, and not just as a route to employment or further education. Community education is inclusive for everyone - regardless of experiences, age, or abilities. Click the link below to view the Charter and read more.