1 Aug 2022


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The project TO SWITCH – TOwards Senior workers’ Innovative Training CHallenges – brings together a network of partners from seven European countries and is aimed at supporting educators, training supervisors, coaches and mentors who work directly with older workers.

The objective of the project is to meet the challenges presented by population ageing and labour market transformation by enhancing the role of lifelong learning to ensure adult learners have the skills needed to participate in the labour market and benefit from digital transformation.

The project will; develop a framework of reference for senior workers’ training, establish a digital learning and sharing platform for trainers and senior workers, as well as developing guidelines for the training of the senior workers.

AONTAS is a project partner and is responsible for the communication and dissemination of the project.

Project lead:

Provincia Autonoma Di Trento

Project partners:

Funding stream: ERASMUS+ Key Action 2 - Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices

Project timing: December 2020 – December 2022

To find out more information, please visit the TO SWITCH web page here or contact AONTAS Head of Advocacy, Dearbháil Lawless at