Cultural Heritage: The Challenges of Diversity

27 September 2018
10.00am - 2.30pm
Who should attend:
Educators, researchers and policy makers from across all fields of education are welcome, including schools, adult education, community education, FET and higher education.
4.5 hours
Prior booking required:
Dromantine Retreat & Conference Centre Newry Co. Down BT34 1RH United Kingdom
This event is a collaboration between EPALE UK, EPALE Ireland and AONTAS marking the European Year of Cultural Heritage.
Celebrating cultural heritage can be far from straightforward in today's society and, certainly on the island of Ireland, it has been a difficult topic for adult educators. The island of Ireland has undergone huge cultural shifts in the past few decades, including the influx of a great diversity of cultures, which brings many opportunities as well as challenges.This free event will bring together thinkers and practitioners from across the island to share their experiences of helping people and communities to celebrate this cultural diversity and work through the challenges.As part of this event you will hear from the Irish Heritage Council, NI Community Relations Council & Heritage Lottery Fund, the Ulster Museum, Smashing Times Theatre Company and the Inter Ethnic Forum (East & Mid Antrim) and as an attendee you will have the opportunity to offer your learnings and good practice to others across Europe on the themes of cultral heritage and adult learning. 

For queries, please contact Dearbháil Lawless