To kick-off the 2021 AONTAS membership update and engagement webinar schedule, we invite members to join AONTAS for a two-part series on #LearningforChange. This will include two webinars. Each webinar will be 90 minutes and you’re welcome to join us for either session or both. They are scheduled as follows:
Please register by clicking the green button below.
About This Event
Exploring the areas of fake news, anti-racism, democracy, solidarity, and critical thinking.
AONTAS will guide you through our new Methodology Handbook and adult learning activities as part of our Communicating Europe Initiative (CEI) project "Adult Learning and Global Citizenship: Sustaining European Cohesion and Challenging the Politics of Fear”. Click here to learn more about the project.
This session is aimed at tutors, facilitators and practitioners and will include practical activities and topic focussed discussions.
Non-members should contact us if you’d like to participate in this capacity building series. Please email
Register for this event