Exploring the possibilities for a more equitable system of Lifelong Learning in Ireland
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Lifelong Learning in Ireland
In Ireland, the lifelong learning participation rate ranges from 6 – 7% – lagging behind the EU average of 10%. The lower the education attainment level, the less likely adults are to participate in lifelong learning. Adults who completed secondary education are 65% more likely to participate in adult learning activities compared to those without secondary level education (Global Education Monitoring Report Education for all 2000-2015: Achievements and challenges). In Ireland, life expectancy is linked to educational attainment. At aged 30, men with higher education can expect to live 6 years longer than men who didn’t compete secondary school. For women the difference is 5 years.
In order to create a more equal society in Ireland we must look at widening participation in lifelong learning to include people who have been educationally disadvantaged.
2017 marks ten years of the European Qualifications Framework (EQF) which acts as a translation device to make national qualifications more readable across Europe, promoting workers' and learners' mobility between countries and facilitating their lifelong learning. With this in mind our seminar aims to explore ways that we can ensure a more equitable system of Lifelong Learning in Ireland, drawing on the perspectives from our International counterparts, and in different contexts including at work and in the community.
We're delighted to announce that Stephen Evans, CEO of Learning and Work Institute UK will be speaking about widening participation in lifelong learning for workers. Dr Aideen Quilty, UCD Lecturer will also be discussing the Role of NGOs and Civil Society in Supporting Lifelong Learning.
To access a copy of the agenda click here.