About the Event:
This policy day event will be the closing event of the 2021 AONTAS Adult Learners’ Festival and will bring adult learners, practitioners and tutors from across the Republic of Ireland, Northern Ireland, England, Scotland and Wales, through the Network for Adult Learning Across Borders (NALAB), to discuss adult learning across the region. In keeping with the theme of the Festival, Better Together, the purpose of the event is to bring together our neighbours in adult learning, to learn, discuss and work towards greater educational equality across the region. Participants at the event will have an opportunity to learn about what’s happening in adult learning and meet educators and learners through the discussion sessions.
About NALAB:
NALAB - the Network for Adult Learning Across Borders brings the Republic of Ireland, Northern Ireland, England, Scotland and Wales together in our shared vision for educational equality. NALAB is an umbrella partnership of leading organisations within the field of adult and community education. Individually each organisation conducts advocacy work and research to promote and protect the rights of adults and their communities to equal participation in quality education and learning. NALAB’s regional network advocates for educational equality for adults across the five jurisdictions building expertise, sharing best practice and addressing challenges in both policy and practice. For more information on NALAB please click here.
About the Mitigating Against Educational Disadvantage Fund:
AONTAS successfully advocated for investment in community education during COVID-19, and welcomed the announcement by Minister Simon Harris TD of an €8 million Mitigating Educational Disadvantage Fund. Following the implementation of the fund, in February 2021, AONTAS conducted two surveys to capture the processes and impact of MAEDF through the perspective of community education groups and ETB representatives who administered the fund. A brief report developed by AONTAS will be launched at the Policy Day Event. This report celebrates this valuable fund, and, taking a reflective view, considers what we have learned from this first iteration to help inform future processes. For more information on this work please click here.
For more information, please download the event brochure here or see below.
To learn more about the Adult Learners' Festival and to get involved, click here.
Speakers and Contributors
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