Political Participation and Community Education Workshop: November 2023

08 November 2023
Who should attend:
4.45 hours (lunch included)
Prior booking required:
Exchange House Ireland, Strand Street Dublin 1

Basic Education and Empowerment for Political Participation (BEEP): European Project Multiplier Event

We’re delighted to invite you to our upcoming meeting on community education and getting engaged in politics in Ireland. 

2024 will be a year of elections and possible political change. We will have local and European elections in June, and potentially a General Election later in the year. The referendum on removing the reference in the Irish constitution to woman’s ‘life within the home’ is also likely to take place. 

With so much coming up, it is important to learn all we can about what’s happening in Irish politics, and to provide adult learners with the knowledge they need to make informed decisions.  

At the meeting Dublin Adult Learning Centre (DALC) will deliver an interactive session from their Voter Education and Active Citizenship programme, which will offer new ideas and resources on how to deliver voter education programmes and encourage learners’ awareness of their power as a citizen.  

Learners from the Women’s Collective Ireland in Ronanstown will perform a scene from their play about the referendum on the definition of women’s role in the home in the Irish Constitution. This will shine a light on how art can be used to bring political themes into community education, often encouraging learners to get involved, learn, and ask questions in a way they might not in a more formal setting.  

All AONTAS members are welcome to join us for the morning session and lunch.

Register for this meeting here


Community Education Network 

From 1.30pm to 2.30pm, members of the Community Education Network are invited to stay on to share ideas and discuss what collective action we can take to encourage learners to participate politically, and to feel valued and empowered as citizens.   

This meeting will also allow space to understand and discuss the implications of Budget 2024 for community education and provide an update on the Community Education Framework.

For more information, contact Lorraine at 

Register for this event

Contact details:
Tel: Lorraine O'Connor, Community Education Officer