February Membership Update and Engagement Webinars

1 Mar 2021

This month AONTAS Membership and Engagement Webinars included: Updating Safety Protocols for Returning to the Classroom - AMPM Safety, Adult Learners' Festival information session and Organising your Virtual Event - AONTAS and the Mitigating Against Educational Disadvantage Fund Preliminary Findings - AONTAS.


Details and videos can be found below. If there is a topic you would like to see covered please contact Barry Dolan, AONTAS Communications and Membership Officer at: 

To register for future webinars click here.


AONTAS continues to create opportunities for our members to engage and learn each week as part of our very successful AONTAS Membership and Engagement Webinars. The webinars, hosted by AONTAS staff focus on different topics each week in a supportive environment. Topics are guided by our members and so far have included; 


February 2021 Membership Update and Engagement Webinars


Updating Safety Protocols for Returning to the Classroom with Shane Dunphy, AMPM Safety

Date: 3rd February 2021

Number attended: 30

Shane Dunphy from AMPM safety gave an engaging presentation for AONTAS members on the major safety issues to consider when returning to the classroom and some key safety tips for working at home. Drawing from his own experience, he provided resources and tips for members and fielded questions to support members and their learners on the return to the classroom and working online.

 Watch the presentation now: 


Adult Learners' Festival 2021 Information Session

Date: 10th February 2021

Number attended: 29

Hosted by Katie O’Rourke, AONTAS Head of Communications this Membership webinar looked at the aspects of the Adult Learners’ Festival 2021.

Topics included:

There was also great participation in the weekly breakout rooms and the question section from the members.

 Watch the presentation now: 


Adult Learners' Festival 2021 - Organising Your Virtual Event

Date: 17th February 2021

Number attended: 20

This AONTAS webinar focused on how organisations could get involved in the 15th annual Adult Learners’ Festival. The AONTAS Communications Team gave some tips and suggestions for organising an event as part of the first ever online Adult Learners’ Festival. During the webinar we looked at topics including:

As always there was an energetic response from the breakout rooms and great feedback on the theme of this year’s festival  “Building Back Better Together - #BetterTogether”.


Mitigating Against Educational Disadvantage Fund (MAEDF) Survey - Preliminary Findings

Date: 24th February 2021

Number attended: 30

AONTAS Research Officers, Eve Cobain and Akisato Suzuki, presented preliminary findings from a survey on the Mitigating Against Educational Disadvantage Fund (MAEDF). They discussed the beneficial impact that the Fund has had on the community education sector so far and discussed what we have learned from this first iteration to help inform future processes.


AONTAS Membership Update and Engagement Webinars are open to all our members. For information on AONTAS membership and upcoming member webinars, please contact AONTAS Communications and Membership Officer, Barry Dolan:

To register for future webinars click here.