On 21st January 2022, the Government announced the lifting of a number of COVID-19 restrictions. This means that many sectors, including further education and lifelong learning, are beginning to reopen and plan the road ahead.
The Department of Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science has clarified how the sector should proceed in response to the lifting of public health restrictions. Regarding a return to the workplace, in-person events, and teaching and learning environments, the advice is for ongoing and continuous emphasis on the use of individual responsibility and personal protective measures including hand washing, hand sanitizing, respiratory etiquette, and use of masks in appropriate circumstances based on risk assessments taken at a local level. Click here for new Government guidance on good practice for continuing to prevent the spread of COVID-19.
Staff, learning providers, and learners should be aware of the importance of following public health guidance in relation to self-isolation for cases, and restricted movements for close contacts. In line with that guidance, those experiencing symptoms should not attend their educational institution, venue or workplace, and should immediately self-isolate and arrange for testing.
The latest easing of restrictions means that formal requirements for physical distancing have been removed. At AONTAS, we know that different providers, institutions, and venues in the field of adult learning have different levels of capacity and that learners’ needs can vary. Some providers will continue to offer online or blended learning options. For those returning to face-to-face work and activities, staff and learners should not attend if symptomatic.
We encourage our members and stakeholders to plan for a phased return to in-person teaching, learning, and indoor gatherings, and to communicate these plans to staff and students in order to alleviate any health and safety concerns, and any additional concerns or stresses that individuals or groups may have.
We will continue to work with all of our members and stakeholders to navigate the changes we are facing in the adult learning community.
For any queries or concerns from general members, please contact Barry Dolan, AONTAS Membership and Communications Officer, at: bdolan@aontas.com
For queries or concerns from the Community Education Network (CEN), please contact Amy Gibney, AONTAS Community Education Officer, at: agibney@aontas.com