Membership Application Form - New Members Only

Please be as detailed as possible so as to ensure that you obtain maximum benefit from your AONTAS membership.

Our Vision: A world where the pursuit of learning for all adults is valued, equal, and strengthens communities.

Our Mission: To advocate for empowering adult learning that drives social equality, justice, and collective action across the island of Ireland.

Choose Membership Type

Individual Membership

We regularly send our members email updates on opportunities relevant to the adult learning community in Ireland. Are you happy to receive our newsletter and membership emails?

Please outline why you would like to be an Aontas member and how the goals and services of your organisation align with the vision and mission of AONTAS

Individuals interested in adult education - adult learners, tutors, adult educators, coordinators and guidance counsellors

Individual Regular (€30)
Individual Unwaged (€10)

Organisation Membership

We regularly send our members email updates on opportunities relevant to the adult learning community in Ireland. Are you happy to receive our newsletter and membership emails?

Are you a registered Charity?

Please outline why you would like to be an Aontas member and how the goals and services of your organisation align with the vision and mission of AONTAS

AONTAS has a vibrant Community Education Network (CEN) for community education organisations. There are no additional costs, and the CEN Steering Group approves network membership of AONTAS’ members. If you are a community education organisation, would you like to join?

Is there a specific email address we should contact for invoicing or financial queries? If so, please enter the email address (if different) for Finance communications from our Finance team.

Please specify additional contact details of the person who is to receive membership communications if different from above.

Small Organisation €40 (annual income €0 - €80,000)
Medium Organisation €150 (income €80,000 - €250,000)
Large Organisation €300 (income €250,000 +)
Associate Partnership: The AONTAS Associate Partnership is available to international organisations that share the same goals, mission, vision and values as AONTAS.