“The power of adult learning, especially community education, cannot be underestimated in its potential to transform people’s lives” – Minister Simon Harris TD speaking at the AONTAS Policy Event as part of the annual national Adult Learners’ Festival.
Ecem Akarca, EU Projects Officer, explores the issues of educational equity, flexibility in adult learning and overcoming the challenges of COVID-19.
Ecem Akarca, EU Projects Officer, examines social exclusion and shares the experiences of adult learners who have faced social exclusion, as well as outlining how adult learning can tackle this issue.
Ecem Akara, AONTAS EU Projects Officer, shares her experience participating in a European Agenda Peer Learning Activity (PLA) as part of the European Agenda for Adult Learning.
Ecem Akarca, EU Projects Officer, shares her experience participating in the recent AONTAS study visit with Kvs Finland.
On 14th February 2022, a new investment of €430 million in capital programmes for further and higher education sectors was announced by Minister for Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science Simon Harris TD and Minister of State for Skills Niall Collins TD.
On 8th December 2021, over 100 participants gathered online to celebrate the launch of the 35th issue of The Adult Learner Journal, the only peer-reviewed journal focused on adult, community and further education in Ireland.
On Tuesday, 30th November 2021, AONTAS hosted a meeting to bring together adult learning organisations from across the Ulster region. The goal of the meeting was to provide a space on how collectively we can improve the quality of learning experiences for all adult learners, and to build a supportive culture of lifelong learning.
On Wednesday, 20th October, AONTAS held its 51st Annual General Meeting (AGM) online via Zoom. Over 90 members were present, including community education organisations, adult learners, Education and Training Board (ETB) representatives and nominees for the AONTAS Board.